Motorcycles for Pastors
"Motos" as they are called here in Burkina, are the primary means of transportation for the people of Burkina Faso. A new 125cc motorcycle like the one pictured above cost just $1100 US dollars! There are many pastors and church planters in small towns and remote villages without a means of transportation. A moto means many things to a pastor. It allows freedom to visit and evangelize in surrounding villages. It allows them to take part in regional and area meetings and times of prayer and worship with other pastors in the region. It also gives the pastors and their families the ability to get to town and seek medical attention if needed. Motos can be easily maintained and the fuel to use them is not cost prohibitive. There are few gifts that could be given, that would have more daily impact on a pastor and his families lives than a strong moto.
This is a great way to get involved in spreading the gospel in Burkina Faso. For the cost of a new set of tires in the US, a pastor will gain mobility and access to villages and peoples outside of his own village. These motos are a tool for evangelization and church planting. As you are led, you can use the button below to give a village pastor a moto. As always, you can fund a moto or give toward a moto. Donate
This is a great way to get involved in spreading the gospel in Burkina Faso. For the cost of a new set of tires in the US, a pastor will gain mobility and access to villages and peoples outside of his own village. These motos are a tool for evangelization and church planting. As you are led, you can use the button below to give a village pastor a moto. As always, you can fund a moto or give toward a moto. Donate